
Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Ok, so I jumped on the early Christmas decorating bandwagon. In the past I never decorated until the day after Thanksgiving. This is the day my whole family gets together and cuts down our trees. This year I decided to start early and here is why. One, I LOVE Christmas and never feel like I get to enjoy my decorations long enough. Two, I figured I can pick at them a little at a time.  However, the tree will not go up until after Thanksgiving so I feel like it will still be special.  This is a somewhat new addition this year.

The new addition piece is the chalkboard printable. I ordered a number of these downloadable Christmas printables from the Caravan Shoppe. Their whole pack is $12 and includes a ton of great stuff! You can find their Christmas pack here. You just need to bring the files to your local Office Max and ask them to print them on their contractor printer (where they print blue prints for contractors). It only costs a few dollars. I found an old gold frame of my mothers and spray painted it white. I then am able to use it for all sorts of chalkboard printables. Easy way to decorate for Christmas on the cheap!

Have you all started for decorating for Christmas yet?

1 comment:

  1. We have not, yet. We got the pictures for our card taken this weekend, though, so that's a start!
