
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pink, Gray, Gold and a lot of Girl!!!

So, if I am being completely honest I just always thought I was having a boy and didn't put too much thought in to a girls room. However, if you are having a boy shoot me an email because I have a killer boys room planned! Anyways, it was getting close to my 20 week gender appointment and my girlfriend Lacey pointed out to me that I had almost nothing on Pinterest for a girls nursery.  Oops!! I went in to high gear and started pinning. I quickly came up with a plan, still thinking I wouldn't need it because we were having a boy.  Then as you know we were surprised with the exciting and wonderful news that we were having a girl!!!!  Luckily I had started pinning a few ideas and this is where I landed. Pink, gold and gray!! I absolutely love the color combination and if you have checked out my Pinterest board you will see some really great pink, gray and gold rooms.  Here is my take on the room in a mood board.  I will share an update as to where we are in the room.  Spoiler alert, a lot has already happened!!!  Some of these pieces will be in the room and some will be similar.
10. Custom painted dresser (more details to come!)